The "Nature's Remedial Agenices" Lecture Series


These are practical Workshops to accompany the Lecture Series.

Lecture Series | Workshops | Fitness Camps | Contact

Simple home remedies are demonstrated, such as:


Demonstrations on:


·        The Use of Water

·        Poultices

·        Simple massage techniques

·        Teas

·        Vegetarian (vegan) recipes

·        Basic fitness exercises


The Nature’s Remedial Agencies Workshops were also designed and developed to be conducted concurrently with the Nature’s Remedial Agencies Lecture Series presentations.

A small group of us get out into the country for a fitness camp/spiritual retreat 4 times per week..


After attending the Nature's Remedial Agencies Lecture Series and Workshops a small group of souls will get together to have a fitness camp/spiritual retreat for a weekend.


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:;br>
Jules and Jim, Manhattan, Breaking the Waves

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Nirvana, Frank Sinatra, Ibrahim Ferrer